Chamomile (Ground Apple) 10g

Item number: MHCHAM

Chamomile (Camomile, Chamomilla) is a particularly useful herbe in magickal practise as it can be used in most recipes. Ruled by the sun, this happy little plant carries the magick of success. Sometimes referred to as 'Ground Apple', this healing herb has a calmative reputation, it has been long associated with aiding healthy sleep and is often used as a relaxant for nervousness. Chamomile is also used to treat skin conditions and therefore regularly features as an ingredient in balms.

  • Sleep and Dreamwork
  • Healing
  • Success
  • Solar Magick
  • Love
  • Luck
  • Money
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Clarity 

Please note: All herbs sold on this site are provided as curios only. We make no claims as to their properties or suitability. We are not medical professionals, and we do not recommend ingesting or using for any medicinal purpose.