Calendula (Marigold, Ruddles) 25g

Item number: MHCAL

This beautiful Solar Herbe features heavily in todays magickal recipes and upon altars of remebrance. This flower is often associated with the 'Day of the Dead' in Mexico and for centuries has been used in ceremonies to honor the beloved dead and for ancestral work. However, commercialism has brought this flower into the public eye in recent times with the rise in popularity of Sugar Skulls and alike. Calendula has been linked to the divine feminine with its association being adopted later by the church. Sometimes referred to as 'Marys gold' due to its association with the Virgin Mary. This sunny herbe aids in dispelling negativity and uplifting the soul, spreading cheer wherever it appears. 

  • Funereal Herbe
  • Love
  • Joy & Happiness
  • Clarity
  • Cleansing
  • Visionary Herbe
  • Consecration
  • Divine Feminine
  • Benevolent Magick

Please note: All herbs sold on this site are provided as curios only. We make no claims as to their properties or suitability. We are not medical professionals, and we do not recommend ingesting or using for any medicinal purpose.