Hops (Hop Bine) 30g
Magically, hops ruled by mars, are predominantly used for sleep due to their natural soporific qualities. Sleeping on a pillow stuffed with hops is said to ensure peaceful sleep, mitigate insomnia, and ward off nightmares. To promote physical and spiritual healing, carry hops on your person. In Celtic mythology, hops are associated with the wolves, winter, the underworld, Brighid, and the Imbolc celebration.
Stuff a pillow with dried hops to bring sleep and rest or blend with Lavender for total relaxation. Hops are also used in rituals and incenses for healing.
- sleep
- nightmare prevention
- psychic development
- healing
- ritual
Please note: All herbs sold on this site are provided as curios only. We make no claims as to their properties or suitability. We are not medical professionals, and we do not recommend ingesting or using for any medicinal purpose.